Helsinki, Finland    29th July

We did manage to crack Helsinki on it’s hottest day for 50 years!!!!!  Go us!

We caught the shuttle bus into town (10 Euro each) and wandered around. As we were walking down the road we saw a crowd, and like good sheep, when up to see what it was. In the forecourt of the Helsinki Cathedral, a Lutheran Church, was a Mini Military Tattoo with military marching bands playing. It was great.

Finland is the only country in this area that has never had a monarchy. For that reason they are a very collaborative country with everyone being equal.

Cell phones were invented in Finland, in fact the Nokia country is from here. 
It is the most Wi-Fi’ed country in the world. They invented the mobile phone so that isolated reindeer herds could communicate. How cool is that.  Thank’s reindeer guys.

We then wandered down to look at the markets – 'cause as you may be aware we do love markets. Finland has an eight week growing season, so things like berries mature quickly with masses of flavor.  We bought a big punnett of strawberries and gutsed them. In the heat and the plastic punnett they were turning to jam but tasted great.

Fox and Mink items.

The floating fish shop.

The Winter Markets - as it gets a bit cold in winter.


This page is still a bit messy and out of order  - but no good internet at the moment. Sorry for the errors and the mess.

Finland was under Russian and then Swedish rule for 800 years. During that time they were not allowed to speak Finn during this time. They kept the language alive during by singing in Finn.  Music became a hugely important park of this countries ethos with a huge music culture. Now days every person is fluent in Finish, English and in music. Reading music is taught almost as another language. The language of Finland is incredibly unique - so lucky it was kept alive. Music happens everywhere. We saw three different public performances today - and it was a week day!

The ferry to Suomenlinna Island was about a 20 minute ride and very pretty. It's a very historic island that has become a retreat for the locals.  

The Main Square  from 1760’s. It was badly damaged by bombing in the Crimean War in 1855. The tomb is of Eugustine Ehrensvard.

Hundreds of locals (and a few tourists come here on every ferry - every 30 minutes) to enjoy the quiet. They came with picnic baskets and dogs for a day out.

To sit in the park.

Our strawberries were great.

There are 188,000 lakes in Finland, but not on the island.  Some came to play under sprinklers. 

Others to enjoy the stunning European beaches.

Big Coast Guard Ship for big rescues in BIG STORMS.

We saw a reindeer - on a building

The nasty nasty cobblestones. 

Other Helsinki people just enjoyed the water.

Kustaanmiekka had a view of the original bastion fortress and the coastal defence line. These were constructed by the Russians at the end of the 19th Century.

King’s Gate is the emblem of Suomenlinna. It was built in 1753 as a ceremonial gate to the fortress. The gate was built at the site where the ship carrying the founder of the fortress, King Adolf of Sweden, was anchored while the king inspected the construction of the fortress.

Yet another fun day.  Finland is excellent!!!!

We are now on the way to Russia!!!!!


  1. Greetings from Finland! I hate to tell you, but the big white building is not the Parliament House, but a Lutheran church, namely Helsinki Cathedral.
    Still I am happy you enjoyed your day in Helsinki.

    1. Thanks so much MariK. Fixed now. Loved Helsinki!!!!!!!
